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Manage a Dynamics seed number during a release

Sometimes you might need to reset a tables seed number after solution imports to a Dynamics environment.

By using Get-DynamicsAutoNumber and Set-DynamicsAutoNumber cmdlets you can ensure a seed number for a table is set to the correct number after a release using ADO pipelines.


Set seed variable in the ADO pipeline.

Lets set the pipeline variables so that we can pick up the values after solutions have been deployed to our Dynamics environment.

Get-DynamicsAutoNumber -TenantId <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> `
 -ClientId <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> `
 -ClientSecret <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> `
 -DataverseEnvUrl `
 -EntityName contacts `
 -FieldName seedfield `
 -VarName AdoSeedVariable

The first four parameters TenantId, ClientId, ClientSecret and DataverseEnvUrl should be used to connect to your Dynamics environment using an azure application registration.

Please read this for more information on connecting to Dynamics using an app registration.

Please see the table below explaining the remaining parameters required

Parameter Description
EntityName The entity/table name where the seed column is located.
FieldName The name of the field/column.
VarName The name of the ADO variable to create which will hold the seed value.

When this cmdlet is run in an ADO pipeline it will create a variable with the current seed value of the field from the entity specified.

Reseting the seed value after solution imports

To reset the seed value to its original value run the following cmdlet in an ADO pipeline, don't forget to reference the pipeline variable you created when running the Get-DynamicsAutoNumber.

Set-DynamicsAutoNumber -TenantId <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> `
 -ClientId <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> `
 -ClientSecret <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> `
 -DataverseEnvUrl `
 -EntityName contacts `
 -FieldName seedfield `
 -SeedValue <reference to ado pipeline variable>
Parameter Description
EntityName The entity/table name where the seed column is located.
FieldName The name of the field/column.
SeedValue Provide the Ado variable.


Here is a ADO yaml pipeline showing how it might be used when deploying solutions to a dynamics environment.

Ado pipeline variables are used to store the credentials for connecting to the Dynamics environment.

trigger: none

- stage: drm_tst_deploy
    - deployment: tst_deploy
        vmImage: 'windows-latest'
      environment: 'Drm-Test'
              - checkout: self
                clean: false

              - powershell: |
                  Install-Module -Name Drm.Templates.Powershell -force -verbose
                  Import-Module -Name Drm.Templates.Powershell -verbose
                displayName: 'PowerShell Install ''DRMTemplates'' Module'
              - task: AzurePowerShell@5
                displayName: 'Azure PowerShell: GetSeedValue'
                  azureSubscription: 'DRM Dev Connection'
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  Inline: |
                      Get-DynamicsAutoNumber -TenantId $(varTenantId) -ClientId $(varClientId) -ClientSecret $(varClientSecret) -DataverseEnvUrl $(varEnvUrl) -EntityName contacts -FieldName myseedcol -VarName adoSeedVar
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion        
              # Solution imports executed here

              - task: AzurePowerShell@5
                displayName: 'Azure PowerShell: SetSeedValue'
                  azureSubscription: 'DRM Dev Connection'
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  Inline: |
                      Set-DynamicsAutoNumber -TenantId $(varTenantId) -ClientId $(varClientId) -ClientSecret $(varClientSecret) -DataverseEnvUrl $(varEnvUrl) -EntityName contacts -FieldName myseedcol -SeedValue $(adoSeedVar)
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion