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Fetch data and generate dynamic lists within your DRM Template

Its possible to create multiple objects inside an array from the results set of a query.

The example below shows a private queue being created, the private queue needs all the members of contacts team to be added to the queue.

By using the 'queriescopyon' property this template will iterate over the results resturned from the 'teamsquery' query and create an object for each member of the team.

  "type": "drm.crmbaseentity/queues", 
  "apiVersion": "2023-01-09", 
  "queries": {
        "entity": "teams", 
        "filter": "$select=name&$filter=name eq 'contacts'&$expand=teammembership_association($select=fullname,systemuserid)" 
  "properties": {
     "data": [
           "queueid": "651e3ba4-2fe4-46ae-ac5f-2802b4f38a7a", 
           "name": "Test Queue 3",
           "queuemembership_association": [ 
                 "systemuserid": "[queriescopyonprop('systemuserid')]", 
                 "metadata": { 
                    "name": "[queriescopyonprop('fullname')]"
                 "queriescopyon": { 
                    "query": "teamsquery", 
                    "property": "teammembership_association",
                    "ignoreemptyarrays": true
                 "systemuserid": "784869cd-6b0c-eb11-a812-000d3a7ed330", 
                 "metadata": { 
                    "name": "stuart elcocks" 

The resulting template would then look like below, all the members of the 'contacts' team would be added to the queue as members.

  "type": "drm.crmbaseentity/queues", 
  "apiVersion": "2023-01-09", 
  "queries": {
        "entity": "teams", 
        "filter": "$select=name&$filter=name eq 'contacts'&$expand=teammembership_association($select=fullname,systemuserid)" 
  "properties": {
     "data": [
           "queueid": "651e3ba4-2fe4-46ae-ac5f-2802b4f38a7a", 
           "name": "Test Queue 3",
           "queuemembership_association": [ 
                 "systemuserid": "3fffd097-7dd3-4513-8eff-1b49830714b2", 
                 "metadata": { 
                    "name": "fred smith" 
                 "systemuserid": "9222608f-2099-4f88-b32f-0a55b106c81d", 
                 "metadata": { 
                    "name": "tina west" 
                 "systemuserid": "784869cd-6b0c-eb11-a812-000d3a7ed330", 
                 "metadata": { 
                    "name": "stuart elcocks" 

How queriescopyon works

Lets take a closer look at the queriescopyon block.

In the queue example below we are setting up a queue but we want members of the contacts team to be associated with it.

The 'queuemembership_association' is an array type that accepts objects with 'systemuserid' as the required property.

  "type": "drm.crmbaseentity/teams", 
  "apiVersion": "2023-01-09", 
  "queries": {
     "teamsquery": {
        "entity": "teams", 
        "filter": "$select=name&$filter=name eq 'contacts'&$expand=teammembership_association($select=fullname,systemuserid)" 
  "properties": {
     "data": [
           "queuemembership_association": [ 
                 "systemuserid": "[queriescopyonprop('systemuserid')]", 
                 "metadata": { 
                    "name": "[queriescopyonprop('fullname')]"
                 "queriescopyon": { 
                    "query": "teamsquery", 
                    "property": "teammembership_association",
                    "ignoreemptyarrays": true

The 'queriescopyon' object has the following properties set

'query' - Which query to use as the result set

'property' - Which property from the result set to iterate over.

'ignoreemptyarrays' - if the query does not contain any results then ignore and carry on with processing.

Because property is set to 'teammembership_association' then the DRM engine will iterate over the results for this property, for each team returned. In this case we will only have one team.

The queriescopyonprop function specifies what property from the result set you want to use as the value.

Below will make sure that systemuserid is set to the value of systemuserid from the result set.

"systemuserid": "[queriescopyonprop('systemuserid')]",  

Usage scenarios

If there is any situation you have where you need to add a collection of items to an entity but the list you need to add is dynamic then queriescopyon could be a useful tool.

Next steps