Article | Stuart Elcocks | 21/04/2023
Organisation settings
Organization settings is a huge entity with lots of properties!
This is just a basic example of what you can do.
The template below sets the following;
- Localeid - 2057 Sets the locale to 'United Kingdon'
- DefaultCountryCode - "+44"
- AuditEnabled - Yes
- Pricing Decimal Precision - 2
- External search index enabled - No
- Advanced filter enabled - Yes
For each Dynamics environment you are deploying to, you will need to identify the
. In the example below the organizationid
is parameterized.
"targetenvironment": "[variables('dynamicsCredentials')]",
"type": "drm.crmbaseentity/organizations",
"apiVersion": "2023-01-09",
"name": "DEMO_OrgSettings",
"properties": {
"data": [
"organizationid": "[parameters('organizationId')]",
"localeid": "2057",
"isdefaultcountrycodecheckenabled": "Yes",
"defaultcountrycode": "+44",
"drmmetadata": {
"comment": "localeid 2057 sets it to United Kingdom"
"isauditenabled": "Yes",
"isreadauditenabled": "No",
"isuseraccessauditenabled": "No",
"pricingdecimalprecision": 2,
"isexternalsearchindexenabled": "No",
"advancedfilteringenabled": "Yes"