Article | Stuart Elcocks | 21/04/2023
Transfer Word Document Templates
Word document templates can be migrated across environments by generating the template from a source Dynamics environment.
We advise generating the template for documents as the content property contains the base64 word document.
To return all the word document types from your source Dynamics environment run the following command
-entityName documenttemplates
-filter '$select=organizationid,name,documenttemplateid,languagecode,documenttype,clientdata,content&$filter=documenttype eq 2'
Below is an example of what you will get returned.
The organizationid
will be different across environments so it will
require parametrisation.
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {},
"resources": [
"targetenvironment": {
"bearerToken": "<Enter token here>",
"url": "<Your Dynamics url>"
"type": "drm.crmbaseentity/documenttemplates",
"apiVersion": "2023-01-09",
"name": "GeneratedTemplateFor_documenttemplates",
"properties": {
"data": [
"documenttemplateid": "97e568ad-1033-4138-b682-10c9f69da6ec",
"organizationid": "ebce9626-e897-48bd-bf2c-76edba0759f2",
"name": "DRM Demo Document",
"languagecode": 1033,
"documenttype": 2,
"clientdata": "{"Range":null,"Columns":null,"DisplayConditions":"<DisplayConditions><Everyone /></DisplayConditions>"}",
"content": "<Base64 content>"